Shared Hosting : This type of web hosting is the cheapest and probably what you are most interested in especially when you are just starting out in web hosting. If your account frequently uses up a lot of server resources, your hosting provider usually will probably ask you to upgrade to something more suited to […]
Hosting Introduction
Hosting Introduction
- 02 Dec, 2013
Hosting Introduction
- 02 Dec, 2013
Web Servers are computers that have been set up by a hosting company, usually in a facility called a data center. The purpose is to store websites until someone wants to visit them, and then to quickly respond to the visitor’s browser with the site’s content. How many websites a server can comfortably host depends […]
Hosting Introduction
- 02 Dec, 2013
It is a service provided by thousand of companies worldwide. They set up and maintain entire buildings called data centers, full of computer systems called servers, and you will get some sort of access to them via the internet. With that access you can upload your websites. Once configured properly, computers around the world will […]